
On objkt it is possible to collaborate with other users on your tokens. This means that for a specific token, multiple creators can be shown. These creators will also show up on the collection page indicating who has worked on it.

Inviting a Collaborator

The first thing you need to do to collaborate is to invite a user into your collection. You can do this by navigating to your collection page and clicking on the cog symbol on the upper-right corner:

Add the address of the user you want to invite:

And then click on Invite. Note: it might take 30-60 seconds for the invite to be registered on objkt.

Accepting a Collaboration Invite

You can see your collaboration invites on your profile under Collaborations => Invitations.

Clicking on Accept will create a transaction that accepts the invite. Once the invite is accepted, the user will appear on the collection as a collaborator. Also, the user will be able to mint tokens into the collection and you'll be able to accept the user as a collaborator on any token minted into that collection.

Collab: Adding multiple creators to a token

Once a creator has been invited (and accepted) into a collection you'll be able to select them as a creator when minting a token. On the token minting page, choose the correct Collection (where you invited the user). You should see a dropdown that includes the user you have just invited.

You can add as many users to a token as you like. You being the minter of the token will always be listed as a creator, so you only have to select the additional ones.

Last updated